My New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

I’m not really one for New Year’s resolutions. Being completely honest, I’m quite an obsessive person — one minute I go all in on the latest fad, the next I’m totally over it. But, I do recognise the benefit of setting some clear goals to help focus the year while hitting some professional and personal targets. So with that in mind, here are just a few New Year's resolutions I’ve made for this year to try and keep my progress in check. 2020, I’m ready for you… 

Leave more time for the fun stuff

With a full time job and freelancing on the side, it’s safe to say there’s not much time left in my week to go out and do the things I really love. Sure, copywriting is my passion, but nothing beats the feeling of getting out there and spending a few hours of uninterrupted me-time. From walks along the beach to cycle rides exploring the village I live in, there’s so much to do in my hometown. Problem is, I don’t do it. So, 2020 is all about taking some time out, leaving the laptop at home and taking in the wonder of the UK. If it’s out there then so am I.

Do more blogging

As you’re reading this blog, you’ll notice I’ve already made a good start! I’ve had my website for about eight months now, and in that time I’ve managed to publish one blog post. I can do better than that. So once a month, I’m going to publish a new blog post about anything and everything — and stick to it. Watch this space…

Eat waaay more healthily 

Last year I became a vegetarian and no doubt, it’s probably the best thing I’ve ever done. However, over the Christmas period I’ve started to slip into some bad eating habits — too much chocolate, full fat coke, not enough protein… You know the drill. This year I’m getting back to the gym, hitting bigger weights and tracking my macros to make sure I’m staying on target with my food goals. I’ve also recently discovered allplants — a vegan frozen food delivery service that’s low in calories and high in protein. I haven’t signed up yet, but I’m going to give it a go to see what it’s all about. It could be the start of something delicious (and healthy).That’s it for now. I don’t have many resolutions and they’re not particularly hard to achieve, but they mean a lot to me. Plus, I need to find goals I can stick to, and I think I can just about manage these.


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